

1985年以500美元從客廳及地下室起家,並以 a labor of love自期的紐約《皇后信使報》(The Queen Courier),於2008年10月16日在頭版以Top Stories:Deacon helps Appalachia poor,報導紐約Our Lady of Grace 教會到阿帕拉契山區濟貧的情景:
Imagine for a moment your life without your cell phone or iPod -pretty unimaginable, right?
Now picture your life without even the simplest of amenities, like heat in your home or running water - completely unthinkable.
This is the reality for the people living in Appalachia - impoverished families struggling to make it from day to day.
But there is hope and there is help in the Christian Appalachian Project (CAP), an organization with which Howard Beach’s own Joseph Campisi, 67, has been volunteering for 12 years.A Deacon with Our Lady of Grace (OLG) for nearly 25 years, Campisi and his crew of three men - Jack Keenan and Bill Clemente of Howard Beach and James Majorana of Long Island - made the 16-hour trip to eastern Kentucky this ye

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